Enterprises NEED Data Backup & Recovery Solutions for their Salesforce Org. Here’s Top 8 Reasons Why!

In today’s technical era, companies are extremely dependent on their data to make all kinds of critical business decisions. Just like people cannot survive without air, water & food, even the Salesforce enterprises cannot survive without their Salesforce data. Data is truly the lifeblood of organizations, losing which can cause massive damage & disrupt business operations. Even then most companies keep on living in ignorance, believing that their data is well protected, without properly understanding how those data protection strategies are actually implemented.

One such Salesforce data protection strategy is creating safe & secure Salesforce data backups of the entire business data. In such an increasingly digitized business landscape, data backups are vital for the survival of organizations. It involves copying important data from the primary Salesforce data storage to a secure, secondary storage so as to protect it in case of a disaster, accident or malicious action.

No matter what the cause of Salesforce data loss is, data backup is the ideal respite for enterprises to restore the backed up data; typically stored in some secure, separate location. Even then, nearly forty percent of the companies do not have a proper backup or a disaster recovery plan in place because of which they don’t survive a data loss disaster.

Comprehensive Salesforce Data Backup Strategy

In order to better protect the Salesforce data from all data loss-related threats and prevent it from getting lost, enterprises need to have a comprehensive strategy for backing up the Salesforce data. An ideal Salesforce data backup strategy should include both backup & restore procedures; properly specifying which procedures can be automated & which require manual intervention. When designing such Salesforce data backup strategy, some points need to be kept in mind:

  • Where will the data backups be stored: in a public cloud or a private network?
  • For how long will the data backups be retained?
  • What kind of data backups need to be performed: full, incremental, differential?
  • Will it be possible to quickly recover the backed up data at a particular time?

Once you have the answers to the above questions thought out, you need to look out for a Salesforce data backup solution that fulfills your requirements. Instead of hiring a person to solely manage the data backups or rather than taking care of the backup processes manually, Salesforce admins can deploy full-scale data backup solutions in their Orgs to automate the processes, without anyone’s intervention.

Why opt for Salesforce Backup & Recovery Solutions?

Salesforce data backup & recovery solutions are simple solutions that are capable of handling the data backup processes themselves. These can be easily configured and installed in the Salesforce Org, after which they either use the enterprises’ existing systems or sometimes their dedicated servers for backing up the data. One of the greater advantages of such solutions is that they offer greater flexibility, in addition to being less expensive than purchasing hardware backup options.

When choosing a data backup & recovery solution for your enterprise’s Salesforce data, you must first make sure that it is capable of protecting all your data. These include all cases, contacts, records, emails, tasks, field history data, custom objects, events, Google documents and much more. If not, then some critical data may go unprotected, completely invalidating the entire Salesforce data backup process.

In general, these are some of the benefits of implementing Salesforce data backup & recovery solutions in the Org:

  • Ease of set up– First & foremost, most Salesforce data backup & recovery solutions are very easy to set up and deploy in the system, without posing many challenges for the admin, disrupting the ongoing important business processes or even affecting the user experience.
  • Supports diverse data types– Most data backup solutions are compatible with and support backups for multiple forms of Salesforce data, including documents, spreadsheets, media, and configuration files. Such solutions can also quickly backup all types of data, without being affected by its size or type, while offering easy accessibility to the backed up data allowing it to be restored whenever required.
  • Backup type selection– Instead of performing a complete data backup every time, backup solutions can help you create a variety of data backup types, such as full, differential, & incremental backups. Therefore, one backup solution can cut back the need to deploy multiple solutions to manage different data backup types, in turn decreasing the costs & effort required.
  • Scheduling & automation– In addition to enabling manual data backups, a data backup solution can also automate the backup processes by scheduling them in advance. Not only does this guarantee that you always have a recent copy of the data but it also ensures that the data backups are created consistently without much manual effort.
  • Security of the data– Perhaps the most important factor is the security of the backed up data, which is the prime purpose of creating backups in the first place. No matter what secondary storage is chosen, the backup solution ensures the safety & security of the Salesforce data at all times, even when it is being restored back into the production level.
  • Backup management– With a Salesforce data backup & recovery solution, you can easily manage the lifecycle of your data backups, including the number of data backups stored, their type, & the time period for which they will be retained.
  • Scaling– Most data backup solutions’ abilities are not limited by the volume of Salesforce data in your Org, therefore allowing them to easily adapt with the growth of your data size & still be able to support data backups of any size. In short, most data backup & recovery solutions are extremely scalable.
  • Cost– Lastly, the administrative costs involved in purchasing, configuring & implementing the data backup & recovery solution are way less when compared to the losses an enterprise can incur in case the critical data is lost. This also is an important reason why most enterprises opt for backup solutions instead of backing up their data themselves.


DataArchiva Backup: The Ideal Salesforce Data Backup & Recovery Solution

Now that you are aware of the need for using comprehensive data backup & recovery solutions for your business, it’s important to understand how our simple Salesforce data backup & recovery solution, DataArchiva Backup, is the ideal choice. Firstly this application allows companies to backup all kinds of sensitive Salesforce data into AWS S3 storage, without being affected by its size or volume. In addition to supporting both manual & automated data backups, DataArchiva Backup also allows data to be backed up in full or incremental manner.

Ensuring the safety & security of backed up Salesforce data at all times, DataArchiva Backup also facilitates quick, reliable recovery of that data back into the production level. Using this user-friendly, highly scalable & easy-to-setup application, enterprises can easily overcome their fears of losing Salesforce data by safeguarding it from any possible disaster. This cost-effective data backup solution can also help companies adhere to their internal data policies & external compliance directives in a better optimized manner.

If you are also won over by the endless abilities of DataArchiva Backup that make it ideal for an enterprise’s long-term Salesforce data management strategy & would like to know more, then please get in touch with us or schedule a personalized demo here.


DataArchiva offers three powerful applications through AppExchange including Native Data Archiving powered by BigObjects, External Data Archiving using 3rd-party Cloud/On-prem Platforms, and Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery for Salesforce.

For more info, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

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