Blog: From Data Overload to Revenue Overflow: How Data Archiving for Salesforce Sales Cloud Elevates Business Growth

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, effective data management is a critical factor that separates industry leaders from the rest. When it comes to Salesforce Sales Cloud, data archiving emerges as a strategic imperative, offering businesses the key to unlocking unparalleled efficiency, cost savings, and operational excellence. 

Let’s tap the efficiency tab & draw sustenance in fostering a high-performing sales process leveraging the power of the world’s #1 sales automation platform, while you unload your Salesforce data to archive with DataArchiva

Salesforce Sales Cloud: The Rainmaker’s Wis

Salesforce Sales Cloud is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform offered by Salesforce, built to nurture digital sales funnels with futuristic enablements. Best used for overseas sales channels, which require geographic coverage to pull out opportunities, manage leads, and support transactions via electronic contract management, served as a software-as-service. 

Today, Salesforce Sales Cloud supports over 150,0001 B2B &  B2C companies worldwide,  including Fortune 500s like Coca-Cola, T-Mobile, and American Express, to grow revenue & boost productivity. According to Salesforce, companies that implement Sales Cloud, have experienced an average revenue boost of 29%2, a sales productivity increase of 34%, and ‌a whooping sales forecast accuracy improvement of 42%.

Whetting Wits With Pipeline Fillers

Sales Cloud is a fully customizable CRM, where users can expect an average of 30% increase in sales team productivity, allowing sales reps to focus more on selling and building relationships with customers. Increased adaptation has encouraged Salesforce to be intentionally consistent with innovation and introducing Salesforce Einstein followed by GPT releases was just a start. 

Salesforce Sales Cloud | Word Cloud | DataArchiva


Continual efforts enabled Salesforce to introduce high-tech like AI or even more recent, that is generative AI, in the hands of every sales rep to dive deeper into day-to-day sales metrics. Resulting in the now, where Sales Cloud is known for top-notch facilities closing cloud selling tools like partner management, lead management, pipeline management, forecasting, quote & contract management, mobile sales, Sales dashboard, analytics, and complete sales automation.

Sales Cloud Data: The Necessary Evil 

Apart from automation features for lead gen campaigns, sales, customer service, and business analytics, Sales Cloud acts as a united platform for all your customer information. Including access to thousands of apps through an AppExchange to settle with. Therefore, other than ‌ revenue surplus, it contributes to massive data growth.


Sales Cloud Data: The Necessary Evil | DataArchiva

What we have observed over the years is, Salesforce Sales Cloud objects like opportunity, lead, email, contact, and task contribute the most to data growth. Plus, bespoke adaptations give rise to custom objects, adding extra bits to the data surplus. Each Salesforce object collects a massive volume of inputs, resulting in a data deluge, that can lead to- 

Performance degradation: As data accumulates in the Salesforce system, its performance can suffer. Slower response times, delays in data retrieval, and overall system sluggishness can hamper productivity and frustrate users.

Increased Storage Requirements: Growing data in volume necessitates larger storage capacities. As Salesforce assigns limited storage space for most of the orgs, purchasing additional storage to accommodate massive data volumes, which increasingly becomes cost-heavy. 

Data Quality Challenges: A hard fix for compliance-driven industries and maintaining data integrity gradually becomes challenging. Duplicate records, outdated information, and data inconsistencies can undermine the reliability and sophistication that Salesforce Sales Cloud has to offer. 

Reduced Analytics Efficiency: Sales pipeline stages come with critical time dependencies, and forecast delays can be devastating, hence data management strategies should be the utmost priority for the Sales manager’s solutions radar. 

Compliance & Security Risks: Keeping all sales data in the primary storage systems, can lead to potential security risks and compliance violations. Eventually, protecting sensitive customer information and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations becomes more critical and complex.

Data Accessibility Challenges: As data grows, navigating through ‌piles of data becomes overwhelming over time. The org complexity hinders productivity, stalls revenue generation, slows processing time, and lengthens the sales cycle. 

Scalability Challenges: Eventually storage saturation becomes a rather recurrent event, and the org manager starts compromising on facilities that Sales Cloud has to offer affecting agility to tech adoption & compromising data growth.

To mitigate these consequences, Salesforce did settle with extensive data storage capabilities like BigObjects, but fewer knew how to query it. One of the favorite facts about this CRM is, ‘The Salesforce ecosystem is nearly 4x larger than Salesforce in itself !’. Making way for data experts to grind their expertise brings home products like DataArchiva which not only enabled BigObjects archiving for users but also expanded capabilities with External Cloud Archiving.

DataArchiva: The Tool That Shrunk The Cloud’s Sales Cycle

It’s not a myth. To date, 70% of ‌DataArchiva customers who needed help with the data growth challenges, were Sales Cloud users. Counting app performance, productivity boost to scalability & accessibility, they have successfully recovered with an 80% ROI boost with DataArchiva. And, it’s more than just an archiving app in Salesforce. 

DataArchiva shrinking the sales cycle by streamlining operations

Hence DataArchiva plays a crucial role in shrinking the sales cycle by streamlining operations, enhancing productivity, and enabling more informed decision-making here is how – 

Improved Data Accessibility: By archiving older or less frequently accessed data, sales teams can declutter their Sales Cloud systems and focus on relevant and up-to-date information. This streamlines the search and retrieval process, allowing sales reps to quickly access the data they need to move deals forward.

Faster Processing Speed: With a reduced data load in the Salesforce live instance, data processing speeds can significantly improve. By promising external cloud archiving DataArchiva diverts the archiving load to 3rd party clouds like Azure, AWS, Heroku, and GCP, promising a faster data archiving process with zero downtime. 

Enhanced App Performance: By archiving historical data, the active system becomes lighter and more responsive. Sales teams can navigate the system, update records, and perform tasks with greater speed and agility, contributing to a faster sales cycle.

Enable Live Reporting On Both Live & Archived Data: Even though the archiving focus is on keeping the storage relevant, with DataArchiva the Sales team can still run live reporting on both the live and archived data records, enabling them to progress deals more efficiently.

Reduces Administrative Tasks: Data archiving removes the burden of managing and maintaining large amounts of data that may not be actively used. This frees up valuable time for sales representatives to focus on core sales activities, such as prospecting, nurturing leads, and closing deals. By minimizing administrative tasks, the sales cycle can be accelerated.

Maintains Data Integrity: Archiving data with DataAchiva helps maintain the data integrity and accuracy of your sensitive customer data that are archived so that businesses can seamlessly meet data compliance & retention policies and meet the demand for long-term data preservation. 

If you are curious to know more about how DataArchiva can work for your Sales Cloud, feel free to contact us or schedule a free product demo

Also, do check us out here, we are available on AppExchange. 

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DataArchiva offers three powerful applications through AppExchange including Native Data Archiving powered by BigObjects, External Data Archiving using 3rd-party Cloud/On-prem Platforms, and Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery for Salesforce.

For more info, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

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