How DataArchiva Ensures Top-notch Security While Archiving Salesforce Data

Now, you have shifted the entire business process to your coveted CRM and got a Salesforce admin to manage the aspects. And, as the business went scaling high, your admin has already started nagging you with complaints. 

Was it his fault? No! 

If you get in-depth with Salesforce systems, you would know that having a Salesforce license is not enough. To have your Salesforce work for your business, there will be ten or let’s say a hundred more applications in place, feeding your system with tons of app data sitting at your primary storage space, eating away your admin’s reporting productivity over time. 

Do we have a solution to this? Yes! DataArchiva ‌provides adept archiving solutions in Salesforce that help ‌create data storage space instead of contributing to your Salesforce data growth. With secure connecting systems, DataArchiva allows you to continue storing your customer data at your preferred archival destination, instead of piling it on your current org library. 

And how do we ensure that your business data is safe to archive with DataArchiva? 

The following are the reasons why ?

1) Securing Salesforce Data Archives with Advanced Encryption-at-Rest

As a part of the product offering, DataArchiva uses encryption-at-rest to hide the information’s true meaning. And why do we encrypt the archived data? A form of data protection, to prevent any unauthorized person to read your data or the archived information. In DataArchiva we use the most advanced encryption method based on AES 256 algorithm. Furthermore, we also support a key rotation policy for the encoded objects, as an additional layer of security to protect your corporate-private data from falling into the wrong hands. 

2) Being 100% Native for Maximum Archive Data Security

Unlike others, we have explored every other possibility to keep the Salesforce data safe when you archive, and the DataArchiva’s native data archiving app comes with a Salesforce data protection addendum. It’s a 100% native application that supports archiving within Salesforce using Big Object storage. It’s one of the most preferred solutions for compliance-driven industries that do not prefer to move their company’s data out of the Salesforce cloud.

If your enterprise data policy doesn’t allow you to move data out of your Salesforce system, you can safely archive it within Big Objects using DataArchiva, without losing access or control of your data archives. As a result, it ensures 100% security of the archived data and efficiently meets stringent compliance needs. 

Securely archive your Salesforce data with DataArchiva Native Archiving application


DataArchiva offers a secure data archiving solution with zero exposure of your data to our platform. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that DataArchiva is a US Gov Cloud-ready application, providing a distinct advantage for Salesforce data archiving within the public sector domains.

Check out how this US government agency effortlessly achieved strict compliance requirements with DataArchiva’s robust native archiving capabilities for long-term data retention. Click here.

3) Secure your Salesforce Data Archives On-Premise

Industries dealing with sensitive or confidential information, and subject to stringent regulatory compliance, often opt for on-premise data archiving systems. On-premise solutions offer unparalleled data security when archived, making them the ideal choice for secure long-term data storage, access, and retrieval. These systems provide the highest level of control and flexibility in data storage, ensuring your business remains fully compliant.

DataArchiva has extended its Salesforce data archiving capabilities to external platforms, which makes it a fantastic application for archiving Salesforce data using your on-premise platforms. It’s external archiving application provides a feather-light interface to connect your Salesforce org with your on-premise system and archive your old legacy data within Postgres, MySQL, and MSSQL databases, saving you from running into data residency challenges while archiving.

4) Intelligently Preserve Complex Object Relationship

You have probably noticed or heard from your Salesforce admin that leads, email cases are pouring in. A default object that keeps growing in Salesforce, common for any booming business, that is occupying your storage space.  The best thing is, after identifying the legacy object data you want to archive, you can choose what and when to archive from Salesforce. As per your retention policies, you can auto-schedule your archiving task with one click of a button. 

It’s very likely that you have to align with industry compliance, which requires you to retain business data for a year/years. Based on the best advice, you can archive your Salesforce data with DataArchiva, worry-free. As with most compliance requirements, DataArchiva secures your data integrity, and maintains complex object relationships, with an archive history view in Salesforce for easy-followup upon archival.

5) Safely Purge Archived Data from Salesforce

Right To Be Forgotten (RTBF) is one of the GDPR data protection laws that mention data erasure upon archiving. Let’s say data archiving for compliance-heavy industries like finance, healthcare, or government institutions where you regularly deal with customer/patient/citizen data, then your application should also come with the flexibility of purging archived data. Even when you move your unused data from Salesforce to an archival destination, DataArchiva allows you to purge the archived data right from your Salesforce. Keeping your requirements in mind, DataArchiva ensures a compliance-first experience, so that all Salesforce users can meet GDPR & other compliance regulations at ease with your customer rights reserved. 


DataArchiva is compliance-first data archiving app in Salesforce and meet GDPR & other compliance regulations


6) Better Managed Data Ensures Optimum Data Security

Maintaining Salesforce data archives with DataArchiva, allows you to work with an insular management system. Why? Because once you move out your unused data from your active Salesforce data directories, there is a lesser chance of redundancy and it keeps your data quality intact. Further, DataArchiva comes with access control to regulate who or what can view or use the archived data in your business ecosystem. Thereby, it ensures better Salesforce data protection, with no additional maintenance cost for having a protected live org. 

7) Preserve Access Control of the Archived Records

In Salesforce, access control ensures that only authorized sales representatives can view and edit customer data, safeguarding sensitive information and complying with data privacy regulations. This determines who can access, view, edit, and delete data within the Salesforce platform. This is crucial for maintaining data security, confidentiality, and regulatory compliance. 

DataArchiva smartly maintains role-based access control, ensuring precise permission management for both archiving and restoring the archived data, back to Salesforce. In a way, it can extrapolate your Salesforce org security extensions by applying rules of profiles & permission sets to your archived records. Let’s say you have separate salesforce channels for respective business functions, and you want to restrict access to your contacts field of your leads object data for a few profiles. DataArchiva also allows you to modify your Salesforce data archive access to objects only to assigned profiles, safeguarding the outflow of your customer’s personal data from your organization’s database.

Like DataArchiva protects archived data, it can also take a backup of your ‌live data in Salesforce to save your enterprise from critical data loss. A versatile app that can take backup of your Salesforce data, metadata, and files in your external cloud platform and keep them inside S3, or SharePoint storages. Here you can learn more about DataArchiva Backup & Recovery Application

DataArchiva has recently introduced Org to Org seeding capability to its Salesforce backup solution, elevating the platform to become one of the most advanced, versatile, and comprehensive data management platforms available for Salesforce.  To find out how it works, check this Datasheet.

Request a product demo for DataArchiva as soon as possible if you intend to move toward full compliance portfolio management of your Salesforce CRM data.

Seeking a Salesforce Data Archiving Application that's Compliant and Secure?

Implement a powerful data archive strategy for Salesforce without compromising data security

DataArchiva offers three powerful applications through AppExchange including Native Data Archiving powered by BigObjects, External Data Archiving using 3rd-party Cloud/On-prem Platforms, and Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery for Salesforce.

For more info, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

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