5 CRM Migration Goals to Save Salesforce Data Storage Costs

Migrating data from legacy systems to Salesforce AI CRM?  We have some good news to kickstart your cloud-digital business without breaking the bank.

According to recent studies, 40% of small businesses believe 2024 will be a ‘make or break’ year for them. Only buying the Salesforce licenses will not help to get that promised ROI boost from Salesforce. Hence, Salesforce as one large Ohana is trying to squeeze the implementation cycle from months to weeks, to leap over the curve!

However, data migration is still a challenge, as one data structure doesn’t suit all CRMs. It’s more common than rare that your Sales Reps may end up calling on duplicate lists if something goes wrong during transfers. Salesforce may get confused between the current list of contacts, if data is not categorized properly when imported from the legacy system. Either it gets difficult to match schema, deal with structural complexity, or struggle to squeeze the storage budgets from the inevitable data deluge. 

Overhead Costs in Salesforce Resisting CRM Migration Success

Every CRM comes with its own set of limitations. The following can be a recurring cost if your CRM migration is planned without a data goal in mind.

Extra Data Storage Cost: Concerns about the upfront extra data storage costs for maintaining legacy data that you would bring from other CRM to Salesforce on top of subscription fees.

Salesforce Data Storage Limits: Based on the edition and subscription level Salesforce imposes data storage limits which is 10 GB per org. Salesforce Connector Costs:  Let’s say you are trying to integrate external orders via Salesforce Connect,  it can provide a seamless integration of data across the system with a subscription of around USD 4000/month, based on data sources or if you are using an enterprise or Unlimited editions of Salesforce.

Overhead Costs in Salesforce Resisting CRM Migration Success

Salesforce Governance Limits: The Salesforce Data Loader that comes for free for bulk import or export of data, is restricted under Salesforce governance limits, to avoid any process downtime at the live production org. 

Data Recency Challenges: Do you know that the data that Einstein needs to have above minimum cutoff score for data quality to make good predictions? Data cleaning and Salesforce storage optimization can be a concern if it has to be maintained manually. 

Compliance: Okay, if you have obtained a Salesforce data cleaning solution, to periodically trim down the current database, but the compliance officer might disagree with your decisions. Because there can be compliance management considerations that require you to retain the compliance data for the long term. 

Only the digital push is not enough! If you are transitioning from a legacy system to Salesforce you need a solid data management plan, that assures that your sales reps/service agents can have the best experience out of Salesforce. 

5 Data Goals for Salesforce to Add to your CRM Migration Checklist

Migrating data from legacy CRM to Salesforce requires a well-thought-out change management plan, like considerations from the state of data, whether data processes will limit production performance, meeting retention goals & many more. Let’s discuss the stages – 

#1 Determining the State-of-data in Your Current CRM

The lifecycle of data comprises three states: data at rest (like 5-year-old records), data in motion (Like sent email data, or data flowing from integrated apps), and data in use (which is frequently edited & dynamic digital state). Based on how your business processes are going to use it in the future after migrating to Salesforce, it’s important to categorize it so, that it can have a pre-assigned storage destination. 

#2 Adapting to Data Tier Model Approach 

As per the state of data, the data present in your legacy system can reside in the Tier 1 level which is Salesforce Platform data storage, which would include active operational data within Salesforce that can be used for search, view, and real-time reporting. A little older data around <2 years, (categorized as  Tier 2 level) can’ still occupy the Salesforce platform storage. Whereas old legacy data can occupy a secondary storage of a cloud platform connected to Salesforce.

Tier Model Pathway to Migrate CRM Data to Salesforce


#3 Salesforce to External Cloud Integration

The more you occupy the platform storage space, the more will be your additional data storage charges in Salesforce after migration. Therefore, successful integration of your Salesforce systems with the external cloud can save you from paying extra data storage costs. If the schema matches the Salesforce schema, you can bypass the Salesforce API limits and send the bulk archivable data from legacy CRM, directly to the synced external storage. 

#4 Creating Custom Big Objects to Store Legacy Data

Let’s say you have a ton of emails, contacts, and text message data in the communication module of a legacy CRM and want to migrate this CRM data to Salesforce. Instead of occupying the data storage space, Salesforce provides you with a big data storage unit, where you can create a custom Big Object and store the same, without paying any extra data storage cost to Salesforce. The only cons, there is a search constraint and having to make queries to call the data from Big Object storage. 

#5 Onboarding Early with DataArchiva 

DataArchiva can be a great value add if you set up your Salesforce, before migrating the legacy CRM data. To note, it is a comprehensive data management suite for Salesforce, that can take care of data complexity challenges, 3rd party integration needs, and data storage limitations. It can schedule auto-archive data to your enterprise-owned platforms and databases. 

Additionally, it supports –

  • Bulk archiving at the fastest data processing speed (10M-14M Records/Day)
  • 3rd party cloud integrations (AWS, Heroku, Azure, GCP) with no connector cost
  • Data transfer from Salesforce, without any platform exposure 
  • Encryption to protect the data at rest 
  • 100% native archiving within the Salesforce cloud with its Big Objects Archiving application 

To learn about DataArchiva’s compliance management features, get the Salesforce Archiving Datasheet now!

Under DataArchiva, the data management suite also provides independent backup & Recovery options for Salesforce data, metadata & files. If you were already using a SaaS backup solution for your legacy CRM system and planning to integrate the same into Salesforce, think twice! Because DataArchiva is cost-saving, users can have 100% control and ownership over the Salesforce backup. Here goes the use case where it’s competing over SaaS backup solutions for Salesforce.

Want to Match Up Your Salesforce ROI?

Learn how to maximize your cost savings with DataArchiva
DataArchiva offers three powerful applications through AppExchange including Native Data Archiving powered by BigObjects, External Data Archiving using 3rd-party Cloud/On-prem Platforms, and Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery for Salesforce. For more info, please get in touch with us at [email protected]
CEPTES has been a pure-play Salesforce platform-focused company since 2010. We are product magicians as well as Salesforce consulting whizzes with 1000+ customers across the world. DataArchiva is CEPTES’s flagship application listed on AppExchange