5 Mistakes to Avoid Related to Data Storage in Salesforce

How often do you recognize the role & value of data in today’s digital business environment? Quite often, isn’t it? The current & future success of a business of any size broadly depends on how they manage their crucial business data and what strategy they adopt to get the maximized ROI from it. However, the way data volume is growing, it is truly impracticable to manage it manually in order to get the desired results. 

For Salesforce customers, managing a large volume of information within the SaaS platform oftentimes becomes overwhelming considering the storage limits & high costs. Keeping the up-to-date data in the Cloud system and leveraging it for better upshots is something that business enterprises prefer. However, achieving the same is not apparent. Optimized data storage in Salesforce will lead you to better application performance, controlled data growth & storage costs within the app, a well-planned compliance strategy with periodic data retention, and 100% data control & accessibility.

In this blog, we are going to tell you 5 mistakes that business enterprises can avoid related to Salesforce data storage.

  1. Not Planning for the Future
    Most of the enterprises running their business on the Salesforce platform perpetually put more focus on how they can leverage the power of the SaaS platform to increase their top-line by automating critical business processes such as sales, service & marketing. While doing so, data monitoring often gets brushed under the carpet. Data growth is inevitable & not planning for the future may trouble you in the long run. Business enterprises need to speculate about the next few years planning on how their business data will grow & what could be their key data growth factors. This is where having a long-term data strategy in Salesforce supports and enables enterprises to prepare for their future even before it arrives.
  2. Data Growth Never Considered
    Business grows and so does the data. In today’s highly integrated digital platforms, where enterprises are bringing all their systems together to experience a complete 360 view of their business, data flows within multiple systems. Data getting generated from one system will definitely progress to another (as systems are integrated) in order to allow the user to perform tasks faster, deliver a better customer experience, or even generate powerful reports. This means data processing across the systems will only increase with time which will lead to massive data growth. Organizations usually slip to predict this unprecedented data growth & when business grows faster they find themselves in a situation where managing the sheer volume of data becomes a huge challenge.
  3. User License Vs Data Storage: Which way to go?
    The third mistake which is very common that many enterprises make is purchasing additional storage much before predicting the future data growth. This happens mostly when you need to retain your old data for compliance goals & every day your business generates new data. Purchasing additional storage space at an expense of huge costs is not often an efficient way to plan for the future. Alternatively, you can increase the number of user licenses which will give you additional data storage.
  4. Legacy & Other Data: How to Manage?
    As we mentioned earlier, today businesses do not reside within one application. They use multiple external systems to achieve specific business goals while using Salesforce centralized platform. With the advent of platforms like Mulesoft, Salesforce Connect, External OData Systems; integration has been much easier than before. However, integrating multiple applications will tremendously increase data flow which results in a change in the entire data usage perspective. In this case, organizations are often left clueless in finding a way to control the data growth from other applications (getting stored in the primary Salesforce data storage) integrated with their Salesforce system along with their legacy data. Planning a legacy data management strategy for the SaaS platform along with the incoming data from external sources is what needs to be taken care of even before performing the system integrations.
  5. Planning for Data Residency
    Data residency needs to be considered as one of the top factors while using any third-party application to manage your business data. In order to better optimize the Salesforce storage, business enterprises use third-party tools to migrate data to external environments. There would be situations wherein the migrated data are kept in external instances owned and managed by the third-party service providers. This will significantly reduce the control over the data & will also impact data accessibility. This would be also a challenge if the pricing of the third-party platform increases or in case of any potential data threat.

Watch This Webinar: How Salesforce Data Archive Has Evolved & Industry Adopted Strategies Beyond Archival

Looking to Achieve Efficient Data Storage Management in Salesforce? Look to DataArchiva

DataArchiva the ONLY native data archiving solution for Salesforce, powered by Big Objects not only allows Salesforce customers to archive their old/compliance data within the Salesforce, the next-gen data management platform for Salesforce also offers much more ability than that. With automated archiving, encryption, initial data offloading, preserved data integrity features, the Salesforce archiving platform goes beyond with specialties including 100% data view & access within Salesforce, 100% data control, one-click restoration, support to archive data from any external application integrated with Salesforce, and much more. 

Try DataArchiva now!

Salesforce customers who are using DataArchiva achieve a 5X+ ROI with a highly optimized data storage in Salesforce that is equipped for any volume of data without storage upgradation, superior application performance, easy & automated data retention for efficient compliance management, and better data accessibility. 

To know more, please download the application datasheet here.

Want to see how DataArchiva can work for your Salesforce app? Please get in touch with our experts today. Click here to schedule a demo.

Also Read: DataArchiva: Your Salesforce Customer 360 Enabler

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DataArchiva offers three powerful applications through AppExchange including Native Data Archiving powered by BigObjects, External Data Archiving using 3rd-party Cloud/On-prem Platforms, and Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery for Salesforce.

For more info, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

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