Is a Broken Data System in Salesforce Holding You Back? How to Tide Over It

We know what’s going on in your mind! You’re curious about knowing what a ‘broken data system’ in Salesforce is, right? We figured not many users & business leaders, whose enterprises leverage the Salesforce cloud platform for optimally running their business, might be aware of this concept. But before we dive into this topic any further, first let’s meet Susan.

Well, Susan is the head of a global healthcare firm that aims to offer top-notch medical facilities to people all around the world. And to manage all the business processes & carry out the global operations smoothly, Susan’s firm uses the Salesforce cloud platform. While the SaaS platform makes her enterprise’s operations easier, lately she had been noticing some common issues that were cropping up, nearly on a daily basis.

Also Read: Slow Salesforce App Performance – Is your data growth the real culprit?

What kind of issues, you ask? There were some commonly occurring issues like slow system performance, poor data visibility & accessibility, & the rapid usage of the data storage. In addition to them, some unique problems such as breaking down of certain processes & loss of critical business data also occurred. After much deliberation, Susan realized that the root cause of all the challenges her enterprise was facing was her poor data management in Salesforce, leading to a broken data system.

Is Your Data System Broken As Well?

That’s right, a broken data system is nothing but the result of improper data management in Salesforce. Knowing how crucial data is for enterprise success, most organizations devise strategies for the proper management of business data. But the presence of a highly complex data structure in the Salesforce system creates a major roadblock for anyone aiming for error-free & seamless data management.

As you would be aware, all business-related data in Salesforce is stored in the form of objects. These objects, both standard & custom, further have very complex hierarchies (how objects are interrelated) inside them. As business data grows, in tandem with the company’s growth, more & more objects (having complex hierarchies) are created. All this makes hassle-free data management in Salesforce even more difficult.

Moreover, not accounting for the complicated parent-child relationships among Salesforce objects again causes the data system to break. This adversely affects the ease of data accessibility & data visibility in the Salesforce system which in a way hampers the efficiency of users. Sometimes duplicate data records are accidentally created because of this which speeds up the process of data storage utilization. All of these again will directly lead to the breakdown of the data management processes.

So What’s The Solution?

Rather than discussing the problem, it will be more worthwhile if we think about devising a remedy for it. After much brainstorming on our end, we have concluded that a great way to fix a broken data system in Salesforce is proper data storage management. Only by having proper data storage optimization strategies in place & monitoring the level of access to data in Salesforce can the issue of the collapsing data system be resolved.

Over here, the role of a robust data lifecycle management strategy becomes all the more important. Keeping a thorough track of the data in Salesforce, right from its inception to its destruction, is key to managing not only the primary data storage but also the other business processes. Only by properly monitoring the creation, utilization, sharing, storage, & deletion of data in Salesforce can you identify where the real problem lies and then work on fixing it.

In this respect, let’s go back to Susan who has recently discovered a way to optimize her enterprise’s Salesforce data storage & fix her broken data system. She introduced advanced data archiving strategies in her enterprise & moved her old, redundant data from the primary data storage of Salesforce to a long-term secondary storage. In this manner, not only did she fix her broken data system but also unlocked a better data management experience for her enterprise’s users.

Still on the fence about Data Archiving? Let’s Learn More

If you’re aware of any kind of data in your primary data storage of Salesforce that is no longer active but still needs to be retained for regulatory compliance & audit purposes, then it can be very easily archived. By moving this practically redundant data out of the production system & into a long-term storage system, you will be able to enable long-term retention of mission-critical data, boost your CRM’s productivity, & easily meet all your compliance requirements.

Now carrying out the data archiving process can also be tricky which is why we offer you our suite of enterprise-grade data archival applications, DataArchiva Native Archiving & External Archiving app, to make the process simpler. While DataArchiva Native Archiving app will help you archive your legacy data in Salesforce at a native level into Big Objects, DataArchiva External Archiving app will help you leverage platforms like AWS, Azure, Heroku, GCP, & On-premise to archive the data into external databases like Postgres, Redshift, MySQL, Oracle, & MSSQL.

Understand the data archiving applications better: Download the Datasheet.

Both applications guarantee to reduce the data storage costs in Salesforce by 85%-90%, improve the system performance by 10X, instantly boost the ROI by 10X+, & retain data for longer; all without losing out on the data accessibility & integrity. In fact, you can do so much more than just regular data archiving with DataArchiva, like generating powerful reports.

If, like Susan, you too feel like your enterprise’s productivity is getting affected because of a broken data system in Salesforce, please reach out to our data management experts & we’ll help you resolve your concerns.

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DataArchiva offers three powerful applications through AppExchange including Native Data Archiving powered by BigObjects, External Data Archiving using 3rd-party Cloud/On-prem Platforms, and Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery for Salesforce.

For more info, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

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