Slow Salesforce App Performance - Is your data growth the real culprit?

Recently Sophia, a Salesforce admin in one of the prominent Fortune 500 companies in the US, got in touch with us. For the past five years, her company has been using Salesforce for managing the critical business operations in nearly every department of the company, be it sales, services, marketing, or finance. But for the past few months, the employees were repeatedly reporting that the CRM performance was declining, which became a matter of grave concern for her.

Upon closer inspection, she realized that it was actually the massive volume of data stored in the company’s multiple Salesforce orgs that was causing the system’s performance to degrade. She tried everything from purchasing additional data storage space to deleting some unimportant data, but nothing seemed to be working. Moreover, it was getting harder to purchase storage every time because of its hefty costs and her team members resisted the idea of deleting any more data over data retention concerns.

This left Sophia flustered wondering how to arrange storage for the rapidly growing data, without deleting any unused data & affecting the system performance. This is the case of many Salesforce admins these days who are stuck in the limbo to balance between growing business data and dwindling system performance. Slow application performance leads to several undesirable outcomes like delays within the Salesforce application, slow page load times, & slow search results. 

But Sophia was smart so she turned towards the good ol’AppExchange and looked for Salesforce data archiving applications, which is where she found us!

Salesforce Data Might Bring You Down- Literally!!

Admins hardly realize the damage old, unused Salesforce data can do to the internal data storage until it’s too late. Research shows that there are a few specific Salesforce standard & custom objects, such as Tasks, Emails, Cases, Contacts, etc that mostly act as the primary sources of enormous data growth. If this data is left unmanaged, it is highly likely the users will experience a delay in getting the desired responses from Salesforce. 

Data Growth after year of use

When nearly 60-70% Org space is filled with data, Salesforce users (sometimes even the end-users) bear witness to a sizeable degradation in the Salesforce CRM’s speed and performance. Some of the most serious consequences of slow application performance have been highlighted below:

  • Poor Customer Experience– The customers rightly expect their experience to be fast, secure and flawless, where the Salesforce application’s performance plays a major role. While good application performance can help businesses accomplish their goals, a poor application speed hinders the customer experience, making it hard for them to use the app thereby damaging your brand and revenue. It also negatively impacts the customer retention rate.
  • Decreased Employee Productivity– The downtime, caused by slow Salesforce performance, is an obvious problem that directly results in diminished employee productivity. Having to tackle slow page loads, unresponsive pages, & delayed system responses, the users of chronically slow applications display less efficiency in their work.
  • Inability to provide Quality Service– Salesforce performance is one of the most critical elements for delivering quality service to the customers, especially when using Service Cloud. When the old service requests and legacy data piles up, the application performance can’t keep up leading to disruption in handling customer requests. This creates a negative impression in the customers’ mind directly affecting the quality of service offered by the company.  
  • Lack of Innovation– Though it may not be too obvious, but consistently slow Salesforce speed actually hampers the enterprise’s ability to innovate and stay up-to-date with business transformations. When the users are busy addressing the slow performance issues, they hardly get time to focus on their daily business processes, let alone innovate something new.
  • Loss of Revenue– Lastly, when Salesforce performs slowly and has operational delays, it can adversely impact the revenue earned by the enterprise. Various business processes crucial to generating revenue might suffer due to slow application performance, hampering future revenue growth as well.  

Recommended reading: An Australian Government organization strategically archived their Salesforce historical data & significantly improved CRM performance with an 85% storage cost savings

Thankfully, Salesforce data archiving provides a simple yet effective solution to the above mentioned impacts of slow Salesforce application performance. By moving the unused, legacy data out of the operational Salesforce Org, archiving lessens the impact of Salesforce data on the system performance. Which is what our smart Salesforce admin, Sophia understood, promptly looking for data archiving solutions, ultimately reaching out to DataArchiva.

How DataArchiva Helped Sophia

What data archiving essentially does is, it moves the Salesforce data from the operational level to some cold storage space where it can be stored without hampering the daily business processes or the system performance. But the USP of DataArchiva is that instead of moving the Salesforce data to some external storage, it intelligently archives it in the NATIVE Big Objects, Salesforce’s own big data-based storage. And mind you DataArchiva currently is the ONLY application that can do that!

So now with unused Salesforce data out of the way, Sophia’s degrading Salesforce performance instantly improved by nearly 2 TIMES. Just about all the performance issues, including long wait times for fields to populate; long refresh times for Salesforce pages; slowing down for certain operations like search, reporting, dashboard rendering, calculations, and other critical tasks; were resolved soon enough with no legacy data clogging the way.

Not only this, Sophia also found that DataArchiva was a better option considering all the important factors like solution cost, time, effort, alignment with the Salesforce roadmap, accessibility, security, and customizability. In addition to making the entire Salesforce data archival process seamless, DataArchiva also offered her a higher ROI factor in comparison to the other archival applications in the market or any custom-built solution.

Also read: Why should you consider DataArchiva for Salesforce Data Archiving & not a Custom Solution?

What more does DataArchiva offer

If you also think that that’s all the benefits that your company will get from implementing DataArchiva, then sadly you’re mistaken and that was only the tip of the iceberg. With DataArchiva in place, your enterprise can easily archive its legacy Salesforce data into Big Objects without compromising on either the complex object relationships or the integrity of the Salesforce data. 

Possessing the capability to handle large volumes of data without any hassle makes DataArchiva the most trusted data archiving solution among Salesforce customers. Not only this, by using this user-friendly & highly scalable application, admins stand to reduce over 85% of Salesforce data storage costs, improve the Salesforce CRM’s performance by 2X times, and promptly adhere to their data retention & data compliance directives.

Is your Salesforce application also slowing down? Is the plethora of Salesforce data present in your system the reason behind it? If yes, then be smart like Sophia and let our technical experts guide you in managing your Salesforce data & helping you boost your application’s performance. For more information, you can get in touch with us or request a demo here.

Read the eBook

Salesforce Data Archiving Top 5 Best Practices

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DataArchiva offers three powerful applications through AppExchange including Native Data Archiving powered by BigObjects, External Data Archiving using 3rd-party Cloud/On-prem Platforms, and Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery for Salesforce.

For more info, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

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