How Omnichannel Data Seeding Simplifies Salesforce Org Migration
How Omnichannel Data Seeding Simplifies Salesforce Org Migration

In our previous blog on Org-2-Org data seeding, we have extensively explained how DataArchiva can complement your data transmission strategies

How to Extend Azure Platform to Manage Salesforce Archives & Backups
How to Extend Azure Platform to Manage Salesforce Archives & Backups

If you are using Microsoft Azure today, you are way ahead of the league in leveraging cloud computing infrastructures and

What’s New With DataArchiva: Unleashing Customer Success Exclusive Releases for its Archive & Backup Applications
What’s New With DataArchiva: Unleashing Customer Success Exclusive Releases for its Archive & Backup Applications

The late summer sprints were super successful this year, as we could roll out a few new features for DataAchiva.

Loading the Best Beats of Salesforce World Tour London 2024

World Tour London 2024 wraps up, leaving behind a resounding buzz.  Once again, Salesforce had Zahra Bahrololoumi, CEO of Salesforce

How Salesforce Customers Can Leverage AWS for Data Archival & Backup
How Salesforce Customers Can Leverage AWS for Data Archival & Backup

Have you ever wondered how combining the power of Salesforce with AWS can revolutionize your data archiving and backup strategies?

Unlocking Success: DataArchiva's Salesforce Data Management Solutions for European Businesses at World Tour London
Unlocking Success: DataArchiva’s Salesforce Data Management Solutions for European Businesses at World Tour London

After Sydney & Dubai, it’s time for London where we want to showcase our data management suite. Top global firms,

Meet Us At Our Next Stop: World Tour London 2024
Meet Us At Our Next Stop: World Tour London 2024

Salesforce is back with World Tour London in 2024 to exhibit the magic trio AI + Data + CRM with

How You Can Make Salesforce Backups Highly Cost-effective
How You Can Make Salesforce Backups Highly Cost-effective

Are you tired of overspending on Salesforce backups without seeing the desired ROI? Discover how you can streamline your backup

How DataArchiva Can Boost Data Compliance in Salesforce with Backup & Recovery
How DataArchiva Can Boost Data Compliance in Salesforce with Backup & Recovery

Compliance regulations are perpetually in flux, but the state of risk has remained a constant challenge for businesses. If you

Meet Team DataArchiva at World Tour Essentials Dubai 2024
Meet Team DataArchiva at World Tour Essentials Dubai 2024

It’s only a day’s wait until Salesforce reckons Dubai to broaden its straits of digitalization. Do you wish to experience

DataArchiva offers three powerful applications through AppExchange including Native Data Archiving powered by BigObjects, External Data Archiving using 3rd-party Cloud/On-prem Platforms, and Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery for Salesforce. For more info, please get in touch with us at [email protected]
CEPTES has been a pure-play Salesforce platform-focused company since 2010. We are product magicians as well as Salesforce consulting whizzes with 1000+ customers across the world. DataArchiva is CEPTES’s flagship application listed on AppExchange