Control Unmanaged Data Growth In Salesforce With DataArchiva

Unmanaged data growth is becoming a significant challenge for organizations as they rely more on Salesforce.

In the next 3-5 years, 81% of ‌companies expect to expand CRM usage beyond Sales and services, to support a full customer life cycle; data growth rates are about to shoot off the charts. 

This can fork into two consequences;

Unavoidable Grievance: Where, due to an in-adept data management plan, you are frequently running into Salesforce data storage limits and spending extra dollars to buy additional data storage space.

Inevitable Success: Hatching excellence with business insights from live reporting of Salesforce data or meeting compliance goals without tipping fines. 

This is to note that Salesforce standards don’t allow you to store or offload data in bulk to keep ‌CRM performance seamless for all. If you don’t want to forcefully delete any data to save up your data storage space, fix a data management plan instead. And, scheduled data archiving can be one efficient way to relocate fewer queried or less visited data, from the app’s primary storage space to a cheaper yet safe archive location.

The following lists the benefits of – How Archiving can help  you to control unmanaged Data Growth in Salesforce

Reducing Costs: By archiving data, you can potentially reduce the cost associated with storing large volumes of data within Salesforce. You can reduce the associated data storage cost or frequent storage upgrades. Thereby, it helps you optimize your Salesforce data storage and reduce overall costs.

Offloading Legacy Data: Salesforce data archiving allows you to move historical or infrequently accessed data, such as old records or expired data, to secondary storage space. It helps you ‌free up data storage space within Salesforce. 

Reducing Storage Consumption: Salesforce has various data storage limits, and archiving can help you manage your data storage efficiently. It helps to reduce the amount of data stored in your Salesforce org, which can help prevent hitting data storage limits. 


Salesforce data growth Challenges | DataArchiva


Improving System Performance: Archiving data can help improve your Salesforce app performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed and retrieved in queries, reports, and other operations. This can lead to faster page load times, report generation, and overall system performance.

Enabling Compliance: For compliance-driven industries, archiving Salesforce data allows you to comply with data retention or regulatory requirements, which you can access when needed. This ensures that you are meeting data retention and compliance requirements without letting unnecessary data accumulate in your Salesforce org.

Simplifying Data Management: Archiving Salesforce data can help you to simplify data management by ensuring that you are holding small, relevant, and more manageable data sets. This improves the search experience of live data and faster response times.

And, this success story is a perfect example of how Salesforce data archiving can simplify data management in Salesforce. 

Latest updates say Salesforce is about to sharpen its market presence as the smartest CRM with 26 new generative AI releases by the end of the year 2023, in helping customers act on insights from the aggregated customer data collected over Data Cloud. Data being the powerhouse of new  AI-driven automation, managing the past, present & future of your enterprise data is how we can keep the sales or services up & running.  Emphasizing, that data management now is the ‘need of the hour’ and for tomorrow. 


What DataArchiva does to manage your Salesforce data growth, four points to note


If you are looking for an data archiving application in Salesforce, that specializes in optimizing your Salesforce data storage & can manage your Salesforce data growth –  Experience ‌Beyond The Archiving Benefits of DataArchiva 

Choice of Archive: DataArchiva offers both Native-level Big Objects Archiving & External Cloud Archiving of your Salesforce Data. 

Fastest Data Offloading Speed: It ‌has the fastest data processing speed if you are off-loading ‌bulk data from Salesforce primary storage to your external cloud  (Heroku, AWS, Azure, GCP) to any database (MS SQL, MySQL, Postgres) with DataArchiva’s external archiving Application. 

Integrates External Cloud Without  Any Additional Connector: You can bring any cloud of your choice like  Heroku, AWS, Azure, or GCP, to integrate with Salesforce using DataArchiva without a 3rd party connector application

Complete View & Access of Archived Data: Create a single view of all your data including the archived data with DataArchiva, right from Salesforce. Plus, it ensures to keep track of all your archiving requests from your Salesforce app, making archiving an easy task.  

Built-Your-Archive Features: With DataArchiva you can choose how you want to archive; it can be policy-based or based on your industry’s retention needs. With DataArchiva’s auto-schedule feature, you can plan, archive, and forget, it will continue to archive your data automatically without slowing down your current workflow. 

Top-Notch Security: When you archive with DataArchiva, your Salesforce data gets encrypted with the latest AES 256 while archiving, making it safer to archive. 

DataArchiva has helped many businesses & industries outgrow their Salesforce data management challenges and maximize their ROI. You can also watch this pre-recorded webinar and make use of a few of these shared tips to learn how DataArchiva helped businesses grow using Salesforce without getting impacted by the data growing in volumes.

Wondering whether DataArchiva can help you manage your complex data challenges in Salesforce? Request for a live product demo today! 

Suffering from Data Overload in Salesforce?

Learn how DataArchiva is Optimizing Salesforce Data Storage Space from 95% Overload

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DataArchiva offers three powerful applications through AppExchange including Native Data Archiving powered by BigObjects, External Data Archiving using 3rd-party Cloud/On-prem Platforms, and Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery for Salesforce.

For more info, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

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