Data Management in Salesforce: All about it’s Challenges & Solutions

In the dynamic world of Salesforce, data management stands as the cornerstone and a challenge for admins striving to maintain seamless operations. The complexity of data management in Salesforce goes beyond mere storage; it involves ensuring data integrity, security, and accessibility amidst growing volumes and evolving business needs. 

In addition to operational challenges, enterprises primarily using; Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, or other Salesforce Industry Cloud, must navigate compliance regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. These mandate stringent data protection and privacy measures, making robust data management practices ‘a necessity’ braced by ‘legal obligations’. 

Therefore Organizations must initiate comprehensive data management strategies to meet Salesforce governance and regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance while maintaining operational efficiency. Hence in this article, we have delved into the nooks of data management in Salesforce, shedding light on the common data management challenges in Salesforce and solutions to combat like deploying 3rd party apps from Salesforce AppExchage further simplify the processes! 

Data Management Challenges in Salesforce 

While many companies excel at collecting data, they often encounter a myriad of difficulties when it comes to managing it effectively and making sense of it. Among the prominent challenges organizations face are:

Multitude of Data
One major issue is the bulk amounts of Salesforce data being generated from an increasing number and variety of sources like integrated 3rd party apps. This includes sales events, marketing campaigns, customer interactions, and many more. This makes it difficult to keep track of all the data and manage what data it is, where it is stored, and how to ultimately use it.
Constantly changing Compliance Requirements
Compliance regulations are complex and multi-jurisdictional and also change constantly. Enterprises need to be updated about new changes and be able to easily review their data and identify anything that falls under the modified requirements.
Repurposing Legacy Data
Most of the time organizations are unsure about repurposing their data and putting it to use. Collecting and identifying data loses its value if it isn’t processed quickly. If it takes a lot of time and effort to convert the data into usable material, then the analysis will not lead to profitable results.
Data Storage issues
Organizations have to keep up with frequent changes in data storage techniques. The data that is stored across multiple systems, like internal storage, data warehouses, and third-party systems, needs to be quickly and easily transformed from its original format into the format or model needed for analyzing it. This becomes a daunting task for enterprises when the Salesforce data storage limitations also come into play.
Data Quality and Integrity
Maintaining accurate, complete, and consistent data in Salesforce poses a significant challenge, particularly with diverse data sources and varied user inputs. Ensuring that all data entered aligns with business standards and remains reliable is crucial for effective decision-making and operational efficiency.
Integration Complexityt

Integrating Salesforce seamlessly with other systems requires meticulous planning and management. Ensuring smooth data flow across platforms while maintaining data integrity and functionality can be complex, requiring robust integration strategies and tools.

As data volume within Salesforce expands, managing performance and scalability becomes paramount. Ensuring the system can handle increased data loads while maintaining responsiveness and user satisfaction is essential for sustained business growth and operational efficiency.
Customization & Configuration
Balancing the customization of Salesforce to meet specific business processes while maintaining system stability and ease of maintenance can be challenging. That’s exactly why custom bul/it applications for Salesforce often fail to align as Salesforce updates are quite frequent it can be challenging to redo on scalability.
Tech-Expensive Procedures
Salesforce data management often demands expert interventions for jobs like data backups, archives, and seeding, which are critical for data integrity, compliance, and long-term scalability.

Solutions to combat the Challenges in Data Management 

An enterprise stands to drastically improve the way its Salesforce data is managed by taking care of some important factors. Firstly, the data available in the system should be reliable for it to be used for carrying out analytics. This data should be end-to-end documented so as to help in easily identifying and resolving issues. Lastly, the organization should have a competent Salesforce backup and archiving strategy in place to cut back on the risks involved in data management.

Salesforce Data Loader
Several built-in tools like the Salesforce Data Loader, designed to facilitate bulk import or export of data into and out of the Salesforce CRM platform, are available to the organization. This application allows users to insert, update, export, or delete up to 5 million Salesforce records according to their specific needs and requirements.
Salesforce Accelerators
Salesforce also offers several ‘accelerators’ that simplify the data management process without having to leave the internal platform. Some of the most prominent accelerators include the Customer Master Data Harmonization Accelerator, the Data Quality Assessment Accelerator, and the Prevent Duplicate Records Accelerator.
AppExchange Solutions
In recent times, more and more third-party do-it-yourself data management applications are also cropping up that can also be explored through the AppExchange marketplace. These solutions can be used to perform every possible function, from project management to data visualization, and are valuable when there are budget constraints.

According to a recent survey over 91% of customers invest on 3rd party applications from Salesforce AppExchange to transform their CRM journeys. And, in this mission, DataArchiva has transformed over 100+ Salesforce customers’ data management journeys in Salesforce. 

DataArchiva provides enterprise-focused data management solutions to – retain, migrate, protect, regulate & restore Salesforce data with its archive, backup & seeding capabilities as AppExchange applications. 

DataArchiva in Transforming Industries with Data Management Applications

DataArchiva provides three essential applications tailored for Salesforce users: automation, archiving, and backup & seeding jobs. These applications play a pivotal role in streamlining data management processes within Salesforce environments.

Automation capabilities ensure that routine tasks are executed efficiently, freeing up valuable time for administrators to focus on strategic initiatives. The archiving functionality offered by DataArchiva is particularly noteworthy, enabling the seamless transfer of legacy data to Salesforce’s advanced Big Objects storage infrastructure. This not only enhances data security and accessibility but also leads to significant cost savings, with storage costs reduced by over 85%. 

Furthermore, DataArchiva’s backup and seeding functionalities ensure data integrity and resilience, addressing concerns related to data loss and system downtime. By leveraging these applications, Salesforce admins can achieve enhanced operational efficiency, improved data governance, and accelerated decision-making processes. 

Discover how DataArchiva can transform your data management strategy by setting up a demo here.

Explore Customer Success Stories: See how a bunch of industries like yours have achieved data governance with data management applications of DataArchiva. Link to DataArchiva success stories.

Master the ABC of Salesforce Data Management

In this pre-recorded webinar, we explained how to manage Salesforce data, optimize storage usage & protect it from losing accessibility

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DataArchiva offers three powerful applications through AppExchange including Native Data Archiving powered by BigObjects, External Data Archiving using 3rd-party Cloud/On-prem Platforms, and Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery for Salesforce. For more info, please get in touch with us at [email protected]
CEPTES has been a pure-play Salesforce platform-focused company since 2010. We are product magicians as well as Salesforce consulting whizzes with 1000+ customers across the world. DataArchiva is CEPTES’s flagship application listed on AppExchange